Published 2021-05-01
- Femable bildungsroman,
- oculto sendero,
- Elena Fortún,
- autobiographical,
- novela
- female,
- writers ...More
How to Cite
Uribetxeberria Azpiroz, A. 2021. Oculto sendero An autobiographical novel of Elena Fortún: Female bildungsroman. EGAN. 73, 1-2 (May 2021).
- Oculto sendero is the autobiographical novel of the well-known Spanish writer
Elena Fortún (1886-1952). She kept the novel hidden throughout her whole
life and was finally published in 2016, 64 years after the passing of the writer.
The aim of this paper is to verify that the novel Oculto sendero is an example of
the literature subgenre bildungsroman. For this purpose, the paper describes the
characteristics of the genre bildungsroman and, secondly, a comparison is carried
out between those characteristics and the biographies of the main character of
the Oculto sendero novel and of Elena Fortún.