Aldizkariari buruz

Content and structure

Egan is a biannual scientific journal of literature, published by the Royal Basque Sociey of the Friends of the Country since 1948.

In 1953 it began to be published entirely in Basque, when Antonio Arrue, Aingeru Irigarai and Koldo Mitxelena took over the direction of the journal. Since then, the literary magazine Egan has been published entirely in Basque.

The recently renewed Editorial Board is making a special effort to improve the quality of the journal, especially in terms of content, language and style. Papers are subjected to an exhaustive double-blind peer review system, which guarantees the quality of the contents; the quality of the Basque language is ensured, and the texts must conform to the standards of Euskaltzaindia/The Royal Academy of the Basque Language; as for the style of the journal, rules have been established for the presentation of the originals.

In this new purpose, the aim is to promote and publish literary research papers, addressed to the scientific community. In this section the journal also wants to accommodate works in the form of essays. Bibliographic reviews on literature will be published. Works that may have a clear link with literature, although belonging to another discipline, will also be considered.

Egan keeps open not only the line of literary studies, but also that of creation, and includes poetry, short stories and translations, following the trajectory of the journal.

The journal has a printed edition and since 2019 all the contents are on this website in PDF format. The previous contents (since 1948) are also available in that format.

The website of the Royal Basque Sociey of the Friends of the Country/Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País ( can also be consulted.

The instructions for writing in the journal can be consulted in the 'Submissions' section of the website (only in Basque).


Founded in




Review system

Papers: Double blind peer review.


Print version: 0422-7328

Electronic version: 2794-0454

Print version sale and subscription information

Peña y Goñi kalea 5, 2. ezk.

20002 Donostia (Gipuzkoa)


Sale price (print version)

18 €.

The electronic edition is free.


The Royal Basque Sociey of the Friends of the Country/Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País