Feminist agenda(s) in Eider Rodriguez’s Katu jendea and Bihotz handiegia short-story-books
Published 2021-12-01
- Feminist agenda, literary criticism, Eider Rodriguez, contemporary Basque short-story-writing, women as protagonists.
How to Cite
Fernandez Zabala, N. 2021. Feminist agenda(s) in Eider Rodriguez’s Katu jendea and Bihotz handiegia short-story-books. EGAN. 74, 1-2 (Dec. 2021).
- The aim of this paper is to analyse the presence and the relevance of the feminist agenda in Eider Rodriguezs Katu jendea (2010) and Bihotz handiegia (2017)
short-story-books. For this purpose, first, we contextualised two works in the
authors literary career. Then, by following an interdisciplinary methodology,
we examined the main aspects of feminist writing and its narratological resour-
ces, such as, autobiographical modus in conjunction with memory, motherhood
and sororities, inner spaces, kairos, the body and its representations, and gender
violence, among others.