La saga veterinaria guipuzcoana de los Lecuona

Idoia Bujanda Oñederra (1), José Manuel Etxaniz Makazaga (2)
(1) , España,
(2) , España


The work starts with a reference to “horse doctors”, the predecessors
of veterinary surgeons, siting the first horse doctor with the surname of Lecuona and
first name of Agustín in the Valley of Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa, where he was born in 1685,
going on to practise his profession in the nearby city of Fuenterrabía (today
Hondarribia), where he was succeeded by his son Thomás in 1760.

It explains the details and circumstances of those belonging to another branch of
horse doctors with the same surname and origin discovered in Tolosa (Gipuzkoa) in the
17th century, who later proliferated in Ordizia and Irún (Gipuzkoa).
A descendent of this line of veterinary surgeons now lives in San Sebastián.
It also refers to one of these veterinary surgeon’s artist sons who died an early
death, Nicolás Lecuona Nazabal.

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Idoia Bujanda Oñederra
José Manuel Etxaniz Makazaga
Bujanda Oñederra, I. and Etxaniz Makazaga, J.M. 2001. La saga veterinaria guipuzcoana de los Lecuona. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País. 57, 2 (Jun. 2001).

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