Published 2021-10-01
- contemporary Basque short-story-writing, homosexual, sexuality- topics.
How to Cite
Satrustegi Andrés, I. (2021). Gay and lesbian characters’ treatment in Basque contemporary short-story-writing. GAN, 73(3-4). etrieved from http://rsbap.org/index.php/egan/article/view/3868
- It is said Basque short-story-writing to be recently increasing as a narrative
gender. Likewise, hegemonic sexuality and gender dissents, that is to say, the
LGTBI+ community, is more accepted and common in our society. Thus, this
research aims at yoking both subjects under examination. We will be analysing a
small sample of short-stories written in Basque language form the latest decades,
and we will see how are treated homosexual –gays and lesbians– characters in
those. Briefly, this paper will analyse sexuality-topics proposed in literary re-
searches to see whether they are embodied or not (and how) in contemporary
Basque literature.