Claustros femeninos en la Ilustración: las Carmelitas Descalzas de San Sebastián

Luis E. Rodríguez-San Pedro Bezares (1)
(1) Universidad de Salamanca, España


An overview of the biographies of the nuns Discalced Carmelites who took the veil and professed in the convent of Santa Ana and Santa Teresa in San Sebastián during the first half of the 18 th century. Economic and social factors are considered, as well as stereotypes of religiosity. Seven biographies are chosen, which give testimony of the enduring baroque sensitivities during the Enlightenment.

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Luis E. Rodríguez-San Pedro Bezares
Rodríguez-San Pedro Bezares, L.E. 2008. Claustros femeninos en la Ilustración: las Carmelitas Descalzas de San Sebastián. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País. 64, 2 (Jul. 2008).

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